Experience is the best Teacher...!

Welcome to my Experience Portfolio. This page consists of all the Experiences that I have had in my entire life till the date. You can also visit my drive link to acess any required Documents or Certifications.

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MySQL Developer

June 2022 | 6 months

FlexiEle Consultancy services is a product based tech company.I have been working as the solo MYSQL Database Developer and handler.

Offer Letter

Member of S4Ds

March 2022 onwords |

S4Ds Society for Data Science is the student's chapter association which helps students to get the guidance of top class data scientists

Membership Certficate

Machine Learning Researcher Intern

April 2022 |

HTS Solutions is a Well Grown student startup that prepares technical solutions to their clients.

Offer Letter

Research Head @OIR VIIT

Aug 2022 onwords |

Office of International Relations (OIR) is a college club that helps students in their dream of making it abroad for education and living.

AI-NLP Project Team Member

Feb 2022 |

Working on a text extraction project offered by HCL Technologies LTD. under the guidance of a our HOD and Seniors

UWAV- AI Team Memeber

Dec 2022 |

Under Water Research Group is a college group that prpares AUVs for related competitions

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Software Development Intern

This is a paid Internship. I am working here as an Python-AI Intern. In addition to that it is an in-office work. Hence I am getting a good corporate experience as well. It is also an official internship got straight frim our Head of Department. HTS Tech Solutions is a

    Key Takeaways
  • Paid Internship
  • In office Work
  • Good Corporate Experience

Learnig a lot, knowing a lot, getting hell lot of experience and exposure to the real world.


s4Ds Member

Society for DataScience, is a Student's chapter, Which helps student's to get in touch with the best data-scientist. They also provide Internship and Job opportunities for the young aspirants.

Society for DataScience is associated with my college, VIIT, and is a part of the student's association (aisa). I also pay a lot of attention to the society and its activities. It is a great platform to get in touch with the best data-scientist. It has a fees of arounf Rs. 500/- per year and I am paying it from my stipends.😇

    Key Takeaways
  • datascience
  • Membership
  • Associated with aisa

Learning a lot, also, it is increasing my number of contacts. and I am getting more and more exposure with each and every activity held.

Intern in associate Technology

This is a paid Internship. I am working here as an Python-AI Intern.My basic task is to prepare questions for an Coding assesment tool like Hackerrank and Leetcode. On the topics completely dedicated to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. I have to study individual python models or the working of entire software. I have to prepare questions based on 3 levels. Easy, Difficult and Medium.

Glad to annouce that I have been reselected for another in the same company. My role is MySQL developer and data handler. I will be sololy working on developing, managing and quering the database. The database it truly vast. It has around 15-20 datasets and each dataset on an average contains the same number of tables. That is I am handling 20X20 ==400 Tables

    Key Takeaways
  • Reselected for another role
  • MySQL Developer
  • AI-ML Related work.
  • Preparing question on Data Science related topics.
  • prepared a dataset for a Coding assesment tool
  • Follow deadlines and submit work accordingly.

Learnt a lot. It was like a great revision and also an indepth study of all the packages, python libraries and tools used in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.Plus the good part is I got some good pocket-money

AI-NLP Project Member

HCL Technologies is one of the leading IT giants in India. HCL offered an Industrial Project to our college VIIT related to some AI-NLP Software Preparation project. Worked Along with 2 Head of Departments(CSE and AI&DS), College faculties and 4 B.Tech Studnets.

    Key Takeaways
  • Confidential Project
  • NLP Requirments
  • Worked with some best brains of the college
  • Follow deadlines and submit work accordingly.

Learnt a lot. Discovered various new Natural Language processing related projects. Focussed more on text extraction and Regex activities. It was a fantastic experience to work with the best brains of the college.

Associate Event Head at AISA, VIIT

Artificial Intelligence Student's Association is a college club. AISA mainly focusses on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. We provide Guest Lectures, Seminars, Webinars, Competitions, Contests and much more exciting sessions to enhance Student's knowledge in the desired domain.

    Key Takeaways
  • Management Activities and Anchoring.
  • Organinzing various events on behalf of aisa.
  • Anchor various events
  • communicate with speakers, faculties and students

Learning a lot.This is indeed one of the greatest places where I can show my non-technical skills such as Anchoring, Management, Presence Of mind, Communication, Finance Management, etc.

UWAVRG AI-Team Member

Under Water Autonomous Vehicle Reasearch Group is one of the many Reasearch Groups in our college. Here We Prepare Under Water Autonomous Vehicles for various college level Competitions.

    Key Takeaways
  • Management Activities and Anchoring.
  • Organinzing various events on behalf of aisa.
  • Anchor various events
  • communicate with speakers, faculties and students

Learning a lot. Here we have implemted Custom Object Detection using YOLOV3 and YOLOV4 models. We are also trying to implement Sea-through for image Detection and custom color detection model to specify colors while under water.


Bharat Soft Solutions is a developing Company. Investing in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. I have worked here as an intern. The most special part about this Internship is, It is the first internship that I have got in my favourite domain. This is where my career and my passion for Data Science bloomed the most. The Challenge here was to prepaer an AI Robot Device That Could Narrate the Outside world to a blind person. We have implemented various Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing methods to process the real-time data that gives the best experience to the user.

    Key Takeaways
  • Object Detection
  • Face Emotion, Gender, Age, Recognition
  • Person Recognition
  • Navigation system
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Speech analysis, etc

Learnt a lot. It took me from a pretty basic Python programmer to an experienced learning Data Scientist. I thank Nayan Chandak (BSS colleague and College mate and good friend) For always helping me nad supporting me whenever I needed her help.

Data Annotator At Milaan Foundation

Milaan Foundation is a well known Non-Government Organisation. That works on providing Education to young girls. It has it's spread all over India and is mainly active in the northern region. They provide education in academics, health, sanitaion, mensuration cycle etc. Which help poor and illetrate girls to develope themselves in the world. I have done a simple data entry and annotation job here. I had to take a given excel sheet and fill the data on their website. The data was about the details of the girls that are going to be taught. I had to fill their forms onto their official website. Witin a Month or something, I filled up around 500 girls forms.

    Key Takeaways
  • Data Entry
  • Excel and google Sheets
  • Following Deadlines/li>
  • Having professional meetings
  • Social Work

It was my totally first corporate industry experience and I really can't thank Milaan Foundation enough for helping me to be the launching pad of my career in the corporate world.