Welcome to my Projects Portfolio
This page enlists all the projects completed using all the technical/Non-Technical Filds that I am skilled at. You can click on the below given links to visit my profiles or can click on the project name to view it.
Implemented Face Recognition, Face Detection,Age-Gender, Emotion,Face Distance, Face Landmarks Using Various Pre-Built models such as COCO dataset, HaarCascade Classifier, HOG, CNN, Deep Face library, Face Recognition library and many more. In Real Time, With Image and With Videos.
Object Detection Using Yolo-V3
Implemented an object detection model using deep Learning Yolo-V3 pretrained model. It can classify 80 different objects in normal conditions.I am also trying to implement the same using Yolo-v4
D-Mart Number of Counters Problem
Used multiple regression models to predict the number of counters to be established in a given month based upon the time, month and location of the D-mart.This is a case study. It can be used in any Queues
Blind's Eye | Internship Project
This is the Blind's Eye project. Done in an internship. It uses mutiple ML/DL/NLP techniques to narrate the outside world to a blind person! Internship done at Bharat Soft Solutions. In my Second Year. It has Object Detection, Face Detection, Navigation, Image Captioning
Real Estate House Price Prediction
Uses Linear Regression and multiple Data Preprocessing and Data Visualization menthods to predict the house of prices based upon python in-built Boston Dataset. This was the first project that I did As a Machine Learning Entuhusiast.It also consists of various data manipulation techniques
Trade Akinator | Personal project
Used mulitple Decission tree algorithms in Knime analytics software.To develope a program that could guide a newbie a trader, what to do in stock market.It suggests weather to sell/buy/none. It uses a custome Dataset which I had to develope myself and has 64 descrete rows
Jarvis Ai | Personal Assistant
Voice Recognition, Used around 20-25 python packages, ML/DL/NLP models. Developed it before starting the internship. Super Fast and Super Handy! This one is pretty basic a simple rulebot to be precise. We can use it for simple task on our computer.
Student Management System
Done completely in Python! and then database created in a csv. The teachers or the professional staff could add, retrieve, delete and modify students data. Done in the first year as a PBL project in B.Tech.We were a team of 4 and later we also created a MySQL database for the same