Welcome to my Projects Portfolio

This page enlists all the projects completed using all the technical/Non-Technical Filds that I am skilled at. You can click on the below given links to visit my profiles or can click on the project name to view it.

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Implemented Face Recognition, Face Detection,Age-Gender, Emotion,Face Distance, Face Landmarks Using Various Pre-Built models such as COCO dataset, HaarCascade Classifier, HOG, CNN, Deep Face library, Face Recognition library and many more. In Real Time, With Image and With Videos.

9 mins

Object Detection Using Yolo-V3

Implemented an object detection model using deep Learning Yolo-V3 pretrained model. It can classify 80 different objects in normal conditions.I am also trying to implement the same using Yolo-v4

9 mins

D-Mart Number of Counters Problem

Used multiple regression models to predict the number of counters to be established in a given month based upon the time, month and location of the D-mart.This is a case study. It can be used in any Queues

9 mins

Blind's Eye | Internship Project

This is the Blind's Eye project. Done in an internship. It uses mutiple ML/DL/NLP techniques to narrate the outside world to a blind person! Internship done at Bharat Soft Solutions. In my Second Year. It has Object Detection, Face Detection, Navigation, Image Captioning

9 mins

Real Estate House Price Prediction

Uses Linear Regression and multiple Data Preprocessing and Data Visualization menthods to predict the house of prices based upon python in-built Boston Dataset. This was the first project that I did As a Machine Learning Entuhusiast.It also consists of various data manipulation techniques

9 mins

Trade Akinator | Personal project

Used mulitple Decission tree algorithms in Knime analytics software.To develope a program that could guide a newbie a trader, what to do in stock market.It suggests weather to sell/buy/none. It uses a custome Dataset which I had to develope myself and has 64 descrete rows

9 mins

Jarvis Ai | Personal Assistant

Voice Recognition, Used around 20-25 python packages, ML/DL/NLP models. Developed it before starting the internship. Super Fast and Super Handy! This one is pretty basic a simple rulebot to be precise. We can use it for simple task on our computer.

9 mins

Student Management System

Done completely in Python! and then database created in a csv. The teachers or the professional staff could add, retrieve, delete and modify students data. Done in the first year as a PBL project in B.Tech.We were a team of 4 and later we also created a MySQL database for the same

9 mins