
Non-Technical Skills


I posses excellent Communication skills. I can professionally speak in 3 Languages.English,Hindi,Marathi. I also have hosted many school level programmes and few online college level programs. I have good Communication skills and you may find my recorded videos of my anchored sessions and event on my shared drive.

Learning Attitude

My grasping power is also really good. Which helps me in acquiring any new skill pretty soon and hence I tend to have a good and constant learning attitude. Duw to this attitude I stand ahead of my classmates. especially in the technical domain.


I am amatuer at financial. As a first step I had saved 50,000rs even before I got 18 years old.And hence I'm trying to generate good revenue from this using Stock market and also learning other investments options.

MS - Office

I am Skilled at all the Microsoft office softwares such as Word, PowerPoint , Excel and One note. I make precise use of all the softwares and have already created various reports , Ppts, Excel sheet and one note Notebooks.


I am skilled at handling people and their emotions. I do highly respect people's emotions and care about them. Which makes me to deeply understand what they are possibly thinking

Problem Solving

Problem Solving and a good presence of mind is one of the key aspects of my life. I am impromptu to find an algorithm which would the problem. I also am good at playing chess which enhances my problem solving attitude and my aptitude.


I am Exceptionally keen at observing new things and drawing out interferences from them. Which makes be a good data analysts. as discusssed earlier I posses good Excel/ Knime handling skills which enhance my analysing power

Stable Mindset

I have a cool and calm personality and I do not get discouraged under any cirucmstances. I am always looking to get myslef motivated via anything I see. As discussed earlier I posses really good Analytics/ obseravation skills which help me to learn from my mistakes.